Life Update: Where have I been? What has been going on?

July 01, 2019

Hi everyone, I am back once more! Hopefully for the better good this time! 

What has been going on? Honestly, mostly work has been taking up a lot of my time. I have decided in September that I am going back to college, I am really looking forward to it to be honest. I am going to be studying: Level 2 in Fitness Instructing. Yes, I am going to be training to be a personal trainer, and I am so excited! I was wanting to do level 3 the following year, but that may have to be on hold...This is because of the next bit of news!

I AM ENGAGED!!!!!! Yes, it was an amazing weekend last week! I went camping with Kyle (my now fiance) and our best friends. I climbed my first mountain, which was insane! And at the top, Kyle went down on one knee and asked me to be his wife! I am still honestly letting it sink in, it is just such great news for us! We have been together for nearly 9 and a half years. I will be showing this a bit more on Youtube later in the week, so keep your eyes peeled on that. Are you wanting me to do any posts on anything to do with the wedding or anything? Just let me know.

There is a lot of exciting things happening in my life at the moment, and through it all, I am trying to sort myself out. I have let myself go a little bit when it comes to my weight loss journey. Which I am hoping my motivation is starting to come back now. I am going to be keeping you guys up to date with that too. I am hoping now that my hours are going back to normal at work, that I will be able to concentrate on myself more. And plan meals and show you guys more of that too.

I think that is all that is going on at the moment, I do have something else going on in my personal life. I am keeping that to myself for a while, I hope you will all understand.

See you all soon! 


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