It has begun...

P L A S T I C  F  R E E  J U L Y!!!!

That is right, plastic free July is now beginning! I am so excited to try this and see if I can do this! 

I bought some things ready for starting this off, and I feel like I am ready to give it my best shot. The aim for the month is to not use any single use plastic, and to try and use other plastic items as minimal as possible. 

I feel that doing the weekly shop will be an issue, but I am going to give it my most best shot. I am going to try and look for things like beans, or any meat alternatives in recyclable materials. 

What have I got that will help me on my plastic free journey?:

  • A reusable cup
  • A reusable water bottle
  • Lunch boxes
  • Bamboo Cutlery
  • Metal straws
  • Reusable cotton pads (wash them in washing machine)
I feel like these will be a good start on helping me through my journey, I will be keeping you up to date through out the month on how it is going, I am really proud of myself and happy that I am trying to do this. Wish me all the luck guys! 

Anyone else wanting to join in? Let me know in the comments!


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