Where have I been? and What am I changing on the blog?

November 07, 2018

Hi guys, I am so sorry I have been gone from the internet for about a week or so. I have been ill on and off for the last 5 weeks, I am slowly getting back to my normal self again.I have had some tests done and just waiting on the results now.

That is pretty much where I have been, I have also been working at my new job at Fat Face, which is going well too.

A couple of weeks ago, I posted about what the schedule was for my blogging. I have decided that on Monday, I will be posting a lifestyle post. This can be anything from mental health, to a new book I am reading. Or even my opinion on things that are going on in the world. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday will all stay as they were originally planned. Friday wll now be either 'Fitness Friday' or 'Foodie Friday'. This will be interchanging depending on what I am writing about at the time.

That is pretty much it for now, see you guys soon.


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