Beauty brand: Elf Cosmetics

In celebration to the new that Elf Cosmetics can now be bought in Boots in the UK, I decided to a blog post all about the brand, I will link the brands website and their instagram at the end of this post. 

Elf Cosmetics was founded in 2004 in New York, since then, they have become an international brand. They are known for being very well priced, and they are vegan friendly and cruelty free too. They products are inspired by their target customers. As well as trying to make them as affordable as possible, they also want to make sure you are not losing out. So they try to keep up with the latest beauty catwalk trends were possible. 

They make sure to listen to their customer base. They like it when we review their products, this way, they know what to restock, and if there is any changes that need to be made. They love when customers post their creations online, and let them know how you are all using their products. 

I personally do not own any of their products at the moment, but I have a list of products that I can not wait to get my hands on. I will be posting a wishlist next Thursday. 


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