Plastic Free July: How did it go?

August 06, 2019

Hey everyone!

So plastic free July is now over, and I have loved having a go at being as plastic free as possible. I will be honest, I made some mistakes through the month, but I think I did a good job over all. 

The bag shown in the picture for the post, is defiantly something that I feel has been a massive help throughout the month. These are organic cotton bags that are used to carry loose fruit & veg and I love them so much. They honestly were not that expensive, and have taught me how much easier it is so be able to pick up fruit & veg plastic free. This is something that I am continuing to use after this month, I have loved using them and I feel so happy after doing so. 

I will admit, that throughout the month, I have still used some single use plastic. But I have been more aware, and I know I have used less than normal. My reusable bottles have been a great help with this. I have just being having mainly water this month from my kitchen tap, I am happy that it something I know I will be continuing in the future. 

I never used my metal straws, only because I have not really been out anywhere to use them. But I know I have them, and they will get used. I am also planning on getting ones that I can use with smoothies. 

I feel like this month has been more successful than not, and I know what I want to do from now for my plastic free future. I will be keeping you all up to date on how this continues. So pleased for myself. Did any of you do it too? Let me know in the comments! 


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